Offline Video Form Analysis (All over the world)

It is free!

You can take a few videos according to the following instructions, submit them to me to have your analysis sent back to you. Once you receive the analysis, if you want to fix the issues I can send you videos for form correction drills and exercises (you will be billed for that separately), or if you are local I can train you in person.

  • You can use a fix camera on a tripod for the best outcome or ask a friend to hold one for you. The fix camera mentioned in the following set of instructions refers to either choice.
  • Warm up before starting the analysis. The best is if the videos are taken of one of your real workouts.
  • At all parts run a short distance (10-20 meters as guideline) before entering the frame and continue after existing the frame to give yourself chance to let your actual running form find its way into the sample.
  • I might have to ask you to re-take some of your videos at no extra cost to you.
  • Take videos under a good light for maximum visibility to details.
  • The higher the resolution of images the better
  • You must wear only one or no footwear in the videos.
  • Due to the large size of the videos, would be better to host them online (Dropbox and Google Drive are free) and share the links with me.
  1. Side view, flat track (main video):
    • Pick a straight flat track that you can take at least two full strides (one by each leg) with no change of surface or elevation
    • Place the camera around 10 meters from your running track vertical to the direction of your running
  2. Side view, Uphills and Downhills (optional):
    • Pick a slope (guideline 20 degrees or more) that you can take at least two full strides (one by each leg) in front of the fix camera with your whole body in the frame
    • Place the camera around 10 meters from your running track vertical to the direction of your running
    • Take one video from running uphills and one for downhills
  3. Back view (Optional):
    • Place the fix camera on the track pointing at the direction you will run shortly
    • Run from behind the camera and pass it making sure the camera will be right behind you vertical to your back
    • Ensure you run enough distance so that your entire body will be recorded for at least two strides
    • Optional: Best would be if you can let your bare waist-line appear on the video
  4. Front view (Optional):
    • Run facing to the camera from a distance that your whole body movement could be recorded
    • At least two strides close to the camera should be taken with your whole body in the frame
  5. Jump over the camera (Optional):
    • Place the camera on the ground or as close to as possible
    • Run facing the camera from a distance that your both feet can be captured in the video at touching the ground
    • At least two strides close to the camera should be taken
    • Option: Jump over the camera (your fault if you hit and break the camera!) to make sure you have been running straight towards it