Every athlete would need someone else to take videos of their workout to find flaws and rooms for improvement in what they do. Not only runners are not excluded, they require it much more.

After your form analysis done, you will see your exact moves in the video, how you land, how you swing, how you leap from one leg to another, and so many other items a runner should pay attention to. From there I can point you to what areas to work on and how.

During this video shooting session I will wrap a heart rate monitor to your chest with a stopwatch on your wrist so I can measure your maximum heart rate. Your max HR is an important parameter in your further training.

For a sample form analysis please have a look here: Video Analysis of an Advanced Runner .

Click here to sign up for it today! Get a video form analysis that comes with 6 free personal training sessions. Offer is valid until end of Feb 2016.

Any questions please contact me here.